Laboratory of Cellular and Tissue Physiology

Understanding and engineering the biology of homeostasis at Stanford University

Growth, stability, & decline

We aim to understand how the function of different physiological pathways within and between different types of cells establish and maintain the function of the brain and other organs under changing conditions, and how these tissues lose their function with age and disease.

Modeling cells & tissues

We are pioneering new approaches – combining highly multiplexed experiments with large-scale AI methods – to model and reverse-engineer how genetic and physiological perturbations affect cellular structure and function in complex tissue environments over space and time.

Reading & writing biology

We apply our knowledge to engineering cellular and tissue physiological function by causally intervening in living tissues. Our goals include include repairing damage, engaging plasticity, and replacing lost cells. To this end, we develop new tools to measure and manipulate genes and cells in situ in living animals.